Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This is me....

Well this is my first official blog post. Let me give a little more detail on myself than the description gives.....

I found out I was pregnant with my son on October 17th 2007, at the ripe age of 17. I had no clue what I was going to do. My boyfriend, now fiance, and I had discussed it and "taking care of it" just was not something we were willing to do. I half heatedly skimmed through "What to expect when you're expecting"! It held no interest for me and I thought we would just figure it out along the way. I was the typical main stream mom to be and went right for an OBGYN. I had never even heard of a midwife, or really any holistic type medicine. At 39 weeks and two days I had an ultrasound for fluid and a non stress test. Everything was fine but the OB said since my son was big, we should schedule a cesarean. I asked why not try to induce, he told me that we could but it would probably end in a cesarean. And a cesarean after labor was much harder to recover from. I went along with it. I had no problems. My section went great and I had a baby by 7:35 am on Thursday, June 5th 2008.

Fast forward about seven months.....

On Friday, January 2nd 2009 I found out we were expecting again. I thought having one little monster was hard... how the heck was I going to manage two! I went and bought some books this time around. I had heard about what a midwife was. I was looking for "Spiritual Midwifery" but instead found Henci Goer's book "The Thinking Womans Guide to a Better Birth." It opened my eyes to natural childbirth. I was determined to have a VBAC. I found a midwifery practice who would let me VBAC! Although I would eventually have to drive an hour and forty - five minutes, it was worth it to me! My water broke at 41 weeks exactly, at 1 a.m. Continuous rushes still hadn't started so I went into the hospital at 41.1 weeks at 9 p.m. They augmented my labor with pitocin. Long story short, after 18 long hours of medicated free labor, two failed epidurals, and a failed spinal I was put under general anesthesia to have an unplanned(I call it this instead of an emegency because Emaree's,pronounced emery, heart rate was just fine) cesarean. In my medical record it will say "failure to progress" but it was really failure to know how to give an epidural so I could relax! It was horrible! That's about all I can say on that.

We plan on ttc after we get married and are planning on VBA2C!

Well thats all for now.

Future Doula

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